Sunday, December 30, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Pictures at SEA Games in Korat ,Thailand

One part of Korat in North Eastern Thailand . We flew to Bangkok by Lufthan
sa and then took another 3 hr journey by coach to Korat.

I was there cheering for Malaysia !!We cheer following the cheer leader's tune and drum beats .

We took pictures with Thai children .

We stayed in this 3 star hotel , Hermitage Resort and Spa . Everything has been paid for by Samsung !!

Our cheer leader with pretty Thai girl selling blow horn.

We cheer for Malaysia with all our heart .

Our Malaysian Ping Pong player after the semi final where she won her Thai counterpart . Her coach begged us to come support her again in the afternoon for her Final against Singapore's Wang Yeu Gu ,World No 10 ( Actually imported from China). Unfortunately ,we had other obligations and had to go to other venues to support other athletes . We really wanted to support her but our leader said no .Anyway , Sock Khim lost in the final as th e Singaporean was too strong for her and she got a silver . I am left pondering , would she had won gold if we had been there to support her ??

Whenever we go to any stadium , we will be marching in with a song (Barisan Kita) and with some drums noise .

The Basketball ladies after they won the Final against Thailand . The NSC have announced that the Ladies basketball team was the overall best team in the Malaysian contingent of the SEA Games . I totally agree , I was there . It was a very close fight with Thailand leading by a few points most of the time . But ,our girls really fought for every ball till the last minute where they won Thailand by just 1 point for 61-60 !! It really silenced the Thai cheering supporters and we get to sing Negaraku with all our heart during the prize presentation .

Sporting Thai girl supporters.

We had a bit of time at The Mall , Korat

TV3 crew followed us in our coach and plane and all this will be aired in one of the sports proagramme .
Saturday, December 08, 2007
2/12/07-Set Personal Best at Singapore Marathon
Started trainning again from 0 fitness in May .
The new P.B : 3 hour 52 min 09 sec based on my watch when I start at the mat and finish at the mat .
Technicalities has never been perfect , last year after I ended the S'pore Marathon with atime of 4 hr 12 min , the volunteers gave me a half marathon medal !!
This time , the system in their website says I didn't step on the mat at start !
Not a problem for me .
I have to thank 2 pacers , Kit at the 1st 20 km and another Singaporean lady who ran with a draggy feet for the next 15 km . Thank God too for the last 7 km where He gave me extra strength to power on and up the pace ("Sayuring some people ") even though it was getting hotter .
Theoritically I have no placing but by analysing the timing I see that I'm about 391 th place over 8 k over people and I'm happy about this . More better news to come in future .
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
My "pia "kau kau lat during the Par Run on Sunday , this is the last 1 km and behind me , Lai is chasing me like mad and I'm running like mad !
Monday, September 10, 2007
(9/9/07-Mizuno Wave Run)
Going all out at the last 400 m
I was glad that I didn't go all out for yesterday's IMU run in order to save my leg for this important race . There was no ache from yesterday's race and I felt fresh running in this event . I'm not sure if it was good or bad because may have not pushed enough coz I only got 51 min . I remember the last time I took part in this event in 2005 I got 47 min which is a 4 min difference . Perhaps I was fitter at that time .Perhaps I have just recently started trainning in May after recovery from operation in March .
Nevertheless , I'm quite satisfied with my timing and hope to do better next time .
Saturday, September 08, 2007
(8/9/07-IMU Charity Run)
Me , towards the end of the race .
This is a run which is very worth it because the T-shirt given( for 1st 500 to collect bibs) is really value for money. It is similar to a Nike dri-fit . There were also nice items inside the goody bags
( which you can get after the run) .
In terms of organising , it is OK but not 5 star , the only hiccup is that when collecting the bibs , I had to wait at least 50 mins just to get my number . It seems all the categories were in one counter and they did not divide it into various counters to ease the flow . But the T-shirt as I said was worth it , worth the wait . Hopefully don't have to wait next time if they open more counters .
I was having an infection of the throat and lots of phlegm that I have lost my voice since Monday .Breathing wasn't easy with the phlegm stucked in the throat area .It was quite a hilly run . Anyway , I didn't push myself that hard coz I was saving my legs for tmw Mizuno Wave Run , which is also another even hillier run .
In the end just going at a comfortable pace , I looked at the U-turn runners and knew I'll be getting a medal ( For top 50 only). In the end, I got 37th position for this 7 km run at 33 min 15 secs .
Next race , Mizuno Wave Run tmw !!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
26/8/07-Subang Jaya 10 Km run
I told Ronnie my intentions , although it was already the closing date , may be there was someone who couldn't make it or pulled out after registering for the race .
True enough , Lai's friend ( one of the first to register , bib number A0008 ) , also Kenny Tan , couldn't make it and I took over his number .
So , off I went for this run today . Found a good parking spot ,did some stretching , forgot to give my reporting card but anyway I just threw it on the floor where we were assembled at the starting line . (This reporting card is very important if we are top 3) . Realistically I know I won't be top 3 but may be next time :) hehehehe .
Started a bit slow coz there were a number of people blocking me .( Iwas at the 7th row from the front ) I could see a number of the pacemakers were far ahead of me already .I just went at my own pace and try to maintain the distance . Saw Raymond and Khoo overtaking me from behind at the beginning stages .
There was this Malay guy who was pacing with me for at least 8km . We both didn't communicate with each other at all . He was going at a pace which I felt was worth pacing . Slowly but surely , we slowly overtake some pacemakers . 1 st Ferdinand ,
, then Raymond , then Lai , then Adam , then Zul .
Wow , thanks to this guy , it helps to pace with someone .
In the last 1 .5 km , this guy drew away from me , but it was alright for me coz I overtook a number of runners already . My legs and breathing were also getting weak and labourous .
Finished in a time of 45 min 34 sec for 61st placing and average pace of 4 min 38 sec per km .
I'm happy to be able to get a medal and get this timing considering 5 months ago Iwas just recovering from my operation .
At the end of the race , CM said to me that I'm improving, I can only say... " Thank you Jesus !! "
Monday, August 20, 2007
19/8/07-Watsons Health , Wellness and Beauty Charity WAlk and my wedding anniversary )
Me ,my wife and Ferdinand before the start of Walk . ( Pictures courtesy of Runwitme)
Walking with Eye on Malaysia at background ( Pictures courtesy of Runwitme)
At the last minute on Saturday , my wife and I decided that we will go for this walk coz of the freebies and coz we can talk about the things we had done together when we are old next time . Furthermore its our annivesary , 7 years to be exact !!
The registration was chaotic because the vans carrying all the items including the bibs didn't arrive on time due to being not sure where the exact location was . The organisers being their first time also did not know what to do .
The vans finally arrived ,we got our bibs and then the walk started . Being my first time in a competitive walk in many years , it was not easy to maintain speed all the time . At times there was a certain aches at the calf and shin area as I walked . There was also some lactic acid build up .
Some people were also running , which i think is not fair even though many goody bags await the finishers . The officials didn't observe properly the runners .
Finished in about 13:03 for a distance of about 2 km and got the goody bags , the Watson RM50 voucher and the Eye on Malaysia ticket .
Friday, August 17, 2007
17/8/07-Friday -Larian ASJC
Anyway ... I came for this with Ferdinand . We departed from KL at about 11 pm on Thursday and arrived Alor Setar Bus Station ( also called Shazan Perdana) at about 5 am . Then after getting a taxi to Bee Bee Park , Haris' friends ( Teo) then picked us up from there to bring us to the ASJC running club nearby .
Unfortunately , there was no elctricity and we did all the registration by torchlight . After awhile the electricity came on and the organiser announced that the race will start at 6.30 am .
As we started the race , it was quite cooling and there was a slight drizzle . The whole route is almost flat , except for the half way point near the Kuala Kedah bridge in which the bridge road slopes quite steeply for about 200 m .
I was pacing with (http://chanbai.blogspot.com) Chanbai and his pacing helped me to overtake a number of runners who overtook me earlier . We also chatted a bit as we ran coz he and I discovered we were both from KL .
At the half way mark u-turn , he suddenly ran away from me . He got further and further but I concentrated that he didn't got more than 150 m .
I quickened my pace at the last 2 km and at the last 50 m , I was almost 10 m within reach of him but it was just too hard to overtake him anymore .
In the end he got 17th and I got a close 18th for a timing of 1:50:23 sec . I'm happy with my result coz the timing has been improving every race .
After the long lucky draw (which Ferdinand and I were fortunante to win a tin of Milo each ) , Haris friends took us to the nearby restaurant to have some Bak Kut Teh .
Then they took us to the bus station and we arrived the bus station at 12 pm . We wanted to catch the 1230pm bus,unfortunately , all the counters were sold out ! The only ticket left is an extra bus which will be departing at 10 pm and that also is a Bus Kilang with aircond . We have no choice but to take it . We will arrive tmw at Puduraya at about 4 am .
Right now we are stuck in Alor Setar and just loitering around including going to a mall in Pekan Rabu nearby to watch "Rush Hour Part 3"
Sunday, August 12, 2007
12/8/07-PJ Half Marathon
Me towards the last 1.5 km .
Order of event :
5.25am: Wake up and get ready including SHIT
6.00 am : After breakfast , had to SHIT again !!
6.10 am : Leave hse for KJ stadium
6.23 am : Main turning into stadium closed so used another road .
6.25 am : Found a parking spot amidst the full house for my little car .
6.28 am : Ran to starting line side and shake hands very briefly with Ron , Chen and Lai .
6.30 am : Race starts but after 1 min only remembered to start stopwatch .
At a normal pace until 9 km mark and saw CM ,paced with him till 16km mark at the U-turn at Terminal 3 .
CM ran off and I slowed down .
At last 1.5 km mark , Tey was there to take photos ,(see photo on top ) . He gave me some encouragement too and I quickened my pacing .
Slowly overtook 4 people and suddenly at last approx 1 km , key flew out from my shoe .I had to stop , get my key and tighten my shoe lace . At the same time , the 4 guys overtook me again .
My momentuum gone . But regained to overtooke 2 people in which I overtook 2nd person a few meteres from the finishing line .
Overall timing : 1:53: 05
Conclusion :i'm happy with my timing coz it was better than Ipoh wch was 1:57.
Monday, July 23, 2007
(22/7/07-KL "10" Km race

One for the album , before the race
This is a "10 km" race which is not a 10km race , only about 7 km based on estimation . Way way of the mark . But then the medal which every finisher gets says "I ran the 10Km race".
Anyway , based on this race , my pace is below 5 min per km pace an I'm very pleased with it . It means I can start running fast again .I don't know what position I finished but the timing was about 30 min 55 sec .
Only drawback was that it is not well organised in terms of :
1.Sound system-can't hear what they say
2.Starting line - everyone was confused where the starting line is and which direction to face .
3. Some African runners who were at the starting line suddenly have to be withdrawn by organiser and not start the race .

Conclusion :Rm30 not worth it ,just run 7km only .
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Sunday, July 01, 2007
1/7/07-Last minute ran Ipoh International Run)
On Wed , my friend suddenly told me he wants to go back to Ipoh to c his sick dad . I said OK , we can go together then I'll join the Ipoh half too .
Thurs : After arranging everything , suddenly he tells me he can't go coz his young son is sick and he doesn't want to bring the young son back to Ipoh so he is not going anymore .
Fri:I have arranged everything , so I managed to find someone else to follow me to Ipoh (C P Aeow)
Sat night 11. 45 pm : Tossed and turn , couldn't sleep well . Slept at in-law's. Bed hard . Fan slow and hot. Mosquito bites . In fact 3 am still not in deep sleep.
Sun : Race Day . Woke up 5.30 am . Started the run at easy pace. No choice coz we are mixed with 10 km runners too so very crowded .
Statistics :
1st 3km 16 min 41 sec ( 5 min 33 sec pace ) . This particular guy was trying to overtake me , I didn't allow .
5km mark : 27 min 10 min ( 5 min 26 sec pace ) . This guy uped the pace and I uped the pace too . After awhile , he slowed down at the 5 km mark and didn't pace me anymore . On my own for now .
8 km mark : 44 min 19 sec ( 5 min 32 sec pace ) . Slowed down just a bit , legs felt like going to ache .
10 km mark : 55 min 19 sec ( 5 min 32 sec pace) . Very happy I'm going at this pace . Ache gone .
11 km mark : 1 hour 1 min 12 sec :From 10 km mark to 11 km mark , I slowed down coz no one running with me . It took me 5 min 53 sec to complete 1 km .
13 km mark : 1 hr 11 min 52 sec : Another man try to overtake me , he is from C category and wearing a white cap . I think he is a junior veteran . He is stronger than the 1st pacer . I know this time we are faster coz to go 2 km , it took us 10 min 39 sec or equivalent 5 min 19 sec per km !!
15 km mark : 1 hr 22 min 27 sec : Its getting faster coz this time it took us 10 min 35 sec to get to 2 km or 5 min 17 sec per km .
16 km mark : 1 hr 28 min 53 sec : I can't take it already and slows down . He gets further away and this time I really slowed to 6 min 25 sec to achieve 1 km !!
18 km mark : 1 hr 40 min 47 sec : Increased my speed just a bit , but still very slow and completed 2 km in 11 min 53 sec or 5 min 56 sec to complete each km .
20 km mark : 1 hr 52 min 15 sec : Finish line coming , no one to pace with . Just rely on sheer determination . Still not as fast as earlier half , 5 min 44 sec to complete each km
21 km mark : For the last 1 km , which I was hoping would come soon , I just went as fast as I can and it took me 5 min 41 sec .
Overall timing : 1 hr 57 min 56 sec
I'm happy coz I did better than last week Pg Bridge run . ( In Pg , I had to rely on deep heating for the leg aches ) Based on statistics compared with last week , improved by at least 29 min !! Thanks to the pacers , intentional or unintentional .
Also happy to get medal and 70th placing .
Monday, June 25, 2007
(24/6/07-Penang Bridge Run-personal worst !)
Overall being my first time, it was a great experience to run on the bridge .It was quite a long run and also my first long run after 3 months . At the 15 km mark ( timed at about 2 hours ), suddenly there was some pain at the back of my knee at the left leg . I took some deep heating and after awhile , it was OK .
The legs were getting weak at the 15 km mark onwards . The pace was getting weaker and then just slowly jogged back . After awhile it got really crowded coz the fun run and I think 10 km category were making their U-turn somewhere along the bridge .
As I arrived at the finishing line , I was looking for some water and so just joined the line for some fruit juice . I wanted to go for my fav. Milo but the que was really very long .
My impression of how this run was organised compared to S'pore :POOR
Signages everywhere pre pace , during race and post race were just not enough for the competitor .
My time at Penang : GREAT
Travelled and stayed with Ronnie , Rachel , Loong , Adam and Sim and we had a great time eating and sometimes up to 3 rounds of food per meal . Great Penang food !!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
(13/6 and 16/6-Wed and Sat)
Sat :Ran only 32 mn near my house . Its about 5 km .No time to run extra as had an appointment . Suppose to wake up 5.45 am to run Hartamas 20 km but decided not to as didn't sleep well last night . Tossing and turning on bed coz I think i took the Essence of Fish and that made me not sleepy but energetic .
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
(11/6/07-Monday-Run with Ronnie...awhile)
Ronnie slowed down for me during the 1st round and we chatted . It was a lap of 14 min 15 sec , my fastest in 3 months but I guess it was his slowest in 3 months !
After that , I asked him to go ahead , as I went at my own slower pace and he went at his own faster pace .
Total laps I went was 4 laps or 9.2 km in 1 hour 1 min .
Saturday, June 09, 2007
(9/6/07-Saturday-Longest run in 2 and 1/2 months)
It was a very hilly run and after the 2nd round my legs were just getting tired .
Anyway I went on and went at a consistent pace of between 5 min 45 sec and 6 min pace .
Completed the last 2 loops with Kelvin Ng pacing me . He was not feeling good too but he went on for another extra 2 to 3 loops .
It was a good but hot run and good to evaluate my fitness which at the moment is so so .
Thursday, June 07, 2007
(6-7/6/07-Wed and Thurs)
Thurs : Only 36 min this time , after that something got into eye , had eye irritation and tears and couldn't concentrate on the exercise . Now eye is OK already.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
(3/6/07-Sunday-Supposedly15km NB volunteer run)
t ,am I suppose to fetch a friend to airport , answer "NO" . Am I suppose to go tho church , answer "No" coz went yesterday . So suddenly woke up at 6.25 am , I remembered why, coz of the volunteer run and though I wasn't a volunteer , I wanted to join them .
As I was about to go out , couldn't find the car key .In the end , found it in the compartment of the other car .By then ,my watch shows 648 am , whereas run starts sharp 7 am . Rushed to Padang Merbuk and by the time I arrived , people were just beginning to run . Had a 20 sec stretch and then slowly caught up with the main group after 10 min .
After ending at the Double hill route ,we were not sure where to go and had to wait for awhile for people who knew the direction .
After that , someone directed us up to go back to Tugu road , in my my mind I felt this was incorrect , thus I chased after the front guy and I told him if we complete this , it would had just been 11 km . He said its OK , there wasn't any road signs and we werent't sure of the road anyway .
So in the end , I was also glad to run just 11 km coz my leg was a bit aching already as this was my longest run after 2 months .
Overall timing approximately 1 hr 10 min coz in my haste at the starting just now ,I didn't press my start time for at least 5 mins.
Total mileage thus is 11 km .
Saturday, June 02, 2007
(2/6/07-Saturday-10 am morning run)
After that headed to Bukit Aman and started the slow jog for a total 8 km approximately .
Total time taken approx 49 min 10 sec .
Before starting , I saw Lai's car going of and I guessed he , Ronnie and gang must have just completed their work out .
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
(30/5/07-Wednesday-I have no more appendix ! )
This time I found out 5 things from the doc which I didn't know :
1. My appendix has also been operated during the operation , even though I didn't have appedicitis.
2. There is no synthetic mesh covering any hole in the stomach lining , which I initially thought there is , coz the doc who didn't operated on me told me so during my follow up check up .
3. The hole in the stomach lining which I had since young actually been widen to easily facilitate the bowels and intestine to easily go thru it and easily come out of it at anytime .
4. I don't have a hernia , which initially I thought I have , I just have twisted intestines .
5. My internal organs which has been operated on now have adhesions or in other words , permanent internal scars , therefore , whatever part that was used to be smooth , some of it is now not so smooth anymore .
Interesting discoveries which now only I discover .
Sun :54 min and approx 8 km
Tues : 50 min and approx 7 km
Friday, May 25, 2007
(24/5/07-Thursday-Ran 6 km)
Still , won't be pushing myself yet . Slow and steady .
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
(23/5/07-Mon to Wedesday)
In the morning had a short jog . Afternoon went to Genting . Room 38.88 and breakfast included . Had Pizza Hut then watched Spider Man 3 .
Tues , morning breakfast then afternoon Mc D's .
Looks like fast food day this 2 days .
Lunch , Ipoh Kopitiam and then evening , another slow jog of about 5 km .
no more leg ache at the moment .
Can't go fast yet .
Thursday, May 17, 2007
(16/5/07-Wednesday-Little ache)
It is back to normal today ( Thursday , 17/5/07) already .
Some non-hilly jog today .
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
(15/5/07-Tuesday-Longest jog in 1 and a half months)
After that , he went another round while i completed another round at the lake .
At the finish line at the playground , Ronnie and Adam was there and I chatted with them .
Distance :8 km
Duration of work out : Approx 1 hour
Location :Lake Garden
# of times used Asthmatic inhaler and remarks : 0 times used inhaler , breathing OK
Monday, May 14, 2007
(13/5/07-World Asthma Day run and wife's 1st jogathon)
Me and my wife in her first jogathon .
Me , Alden and Adam enjoying a slow jog .
I entered my first race 1 and a half month after my operation . Its not much of a race . Its more of a jogathon since its called the World Asthma Day Jogathon . Its just 5 km and I have jogged 5 km before . In fact there were a few good reasons to join this jogathon (Thanks to Ron who entered my name ) :
Entrace fee , FREE !
T-Shirt , FREE !
Food , FREE !
Being an asthma patient , I have supported this race for the past 2 years.
My wife , first time join jogathon !
There was no competitiveness or pia spirit in me when the race started . In fact I started from the back with Ah Loong . After 5 minutes running with him , he went faster while I continued my constant jogging pace . After awhile I saw Adam and Alden and chatted awhile with them .
I was at first worried that I will get last but then , the worries disappeared when I noticed there were a number of people who were just walking or just jogging and walking whereas I maintained my constant pace .
In the end ,I didn’t get last and happy to complete the run in the middle pack .
My wife got 6th place ! –Temporary
My wife being a first timer , submitted the receipt at the same counter as me (A counter ) when I submitted mine to collect our bibs and T-shirt . In fact the official accepted it until I notified that she is supposed to submit at B counter . The official then realised that she should do that and gave her back her receipt to submit at B counter .
She then went with Rachel further in the middle pack at the starting line . After completing the lake part of the race for about 1.5 km , she then saw the hill leading to the deer park and bird park . Suddenly she felt hungry as she saw some officials and other people already having their food at the starting /finish line , thinking that this is also like a water/food station , she asked someone where to get the food and drinks and they told her to go to the finishing line . As she approaced the finishing line , the official gave her a card , and asked her to write her name on the sheet of paper . She promptly did that and went to get her food . She then was too lazy to continue the next 3.5 km and didn’t continue .
When I came back , she told me she has eaten her food and was given a card with the wording C6 and she asked me what was that card for . I told her that it meant she got 6th position !!
She was surprised and promptly went to inform the official that she did not complete the run at all and shouldn’t be in 6th position . The official shooked her hand and said to her , “ I haven’t never seen anyone so honest in my life before ! “
So , that was the story of my wife who in her 1st run got a 6th position , temporary !!
Distance :5 km
Duration of work out : 33 min 33 sec
Location :Lake garden# of times used Asthmatic inhaler and remarks : 0 times used inhaler , breathing normal .
Thursday, May 10, 2007
(Thursday-10/5/07-Jogging distance get further and further)
Today at the park near my house , jogged without stopping for 4.5 km approx . It was good to go further and further .
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
(8/5/07-Tuesday-Walk and jog)
Altogether totalled 10 rounds . The last 2 rounds was just jogging .
Have achieved some sort of come back in terms of jogging a longer time , approximate 10 min compared to just 40 m the other day !!
Monday, May 07, 2007
(5/5/07-Saturday-Walk a bit , jog just 40 m)
Thursday, May 03, 2007
(3/5/07-Thursday-A longer walk then usual)
As I finished the 1st round , suddenly i saw Yaziz coming . He then joined me . He was going at a slow jog pace while I went at a brisk walk pace . He was going thru that 5.7 km loop that we usually go , the one which passes the mosque on the right .
I followed him and that resulted in me walking more than usual . Anyhow , it was a good workout for me .
Distance :Approx 8 km
Duration of work out : 1 hour 24 min 13 sec
Location :Lake Garden
# of times used Asthmatic inhaler and remarks : 0 times used inhaler , breathing OK
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Ability to sleep on the side
It seems before this ,it was not very easy to sleep on the side coz each time I try to sleep on the side , there was some sort of discomfort .
I'm very happy that now I can easily shift positions when I sleep . It's back to normal comfortable sleep .
Monday, April 30, 2007
(30/4/07-Monday-Sudden walk at Bukit Jalil)

I had just fetched a friend to the airport this morning .Was wearing just slippers and shorts . At 9 am , was coming back and was going to pass the Bukit Jalil Park . Suddenly , I felt the urge to walk at least 1 round at the park .
So , I parked the car and got off , walking at a brisk pace with my slippers . Tried to jog a bit but wasn't possible yet , there was some sort of discomfort when I tried to jog .So continued with the walking under the hot sun .
This reminded me of my earlier days when I used to run at this park !
It took me a total of 30 min walking around this park of about 2 km + .
Friday, April 27, 2007
(27/4/07-Friday-A walk in the park)
It felt great to do some exercise again . My pace was at a normal average pace , not too slow or too fast . In fact some faster walkers did overtake me .
Each round was about 400 m and I went for about 5 rounds equivalent to about 2 km . It wasn't really a flat route coz it was hilly on 1 side and flat the other side . Nevertheless , happy to start some exercise and sweat again .
Thursday, April 26, 2007
(25/4/07-Wednesday-Synthetic mesh in the body )
Before this appointment I have been reading about my condition . It is a congenital hernia . Meaning , there was actually a small hole in one of my abdominal walls since birth , on the left side .Somehow , on the 21/3/07 , the other intestine moved thru that small hole that became a bit bigger in the abdominal wall . This resulted in obstruction to that part of the intestine which moved thru that hole .
So , during the operation , the doctors moved the intestine out of the hole to its original position . At the same time , they mended the small hole with a synthetic mesh which will stay there for life .
Other than that , the appointment with the doc was smooth (although long wait of about 2 hours at the UH ) .Doc said everything is OK and don't need to see doc anymore unless have a problem . Doc said dont't lift heavy items but can start doing light exercises including stationary cycling .
Looking forward to the light exercises .
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Yunnan Paiyao vs Yunnan Baiyao

Yunnan Baiyao

Yunnan Paiyao
I took both of the medicine for healing . Both is made in China . Both is used for healing especially internal healing and also external healing ( something like Ikan Haruan, which the chinese uses) . Both are in capsule form. During the Vietnam war , when it was in powdered form , soldiers who have a gun shot wound , pour in on their wound to stop the bleeding . In fact , it can really stop bleeding that if anybody has even a small cut , you could apply the powder (or even get the powder from the capsule) on the wound . It is recommended for every First Aid Kit .
I have now just used Yunnan Baiyao ONLY , and no more Yunnan Paiyao because of certain factors :
1.Yunnan Baiyao has approval sticker from Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia , Yunnan Paiyao NO approval sticker.
2. Yunnan Baiyao cost RM 13 for 16 tablets whereas Yunnan Paiyao cost just RM 5.50
3. The picture which most companies in USA sells online is a blue box , which is the Yunnan Baiyao whereas fewer companies sells the Yunnan Paiyao with the brown box .
In my opinion ,based on the factors above , it will be safer to go for Yunnan Baiyao .This case is something like :
Adidas vs the cheaper Adibas.
But for shoe or sandals , if you don't mind the brand , then go for cheaper version which is long lasting .
This is medicine ,after making some research ,I would rather go for something more expensive and approved by the govt !!
Below is some research from the internet of what a famous herbalist says about this remedy . Note that although the word Yunnan Paiyao is used , the physical box that they talk about I assume shows the word Yunnan Baiyao because of the price :
Yunnan Paiyao is a famous Chinese over-the-counter remedy used for cuts and bruises. It reduces the bleeding, pain and swelling of injuries, wounds and surgery. You can also use it for explosions and gunshot wounds. This Chinese herbal remedy heals wounds fast! Use Yunnan Paiyao for any sort of bleeding such as internal bleeding from stomach ulcers or menstrual flooding. It also reduces swelling and redness from bug bites.
Yunnan Paiyao, which means “Yunnan white powder” because it’s made in Yunnan China, combines several forms of tienchi ginseng used to normalize blood flow and repair damaged blood vessels along with astringent herbs such as myrrh and an herb that is called “dragon’s blood” in latin America. Yunnan Paiyao capsules and powder are used by the Chinese Army to speed healing of serious wounds because it stops hemorrhage and normalizes blood flow. It reduces the size, seriousness, and lightens the color of bruises fast. You can pour the powder directly on to open wounds to help resolve puss and stop excess bleeding.
Have you cut yourself? Why use a nasty chemical on shaving cuts? Has a hornet stung you and made your hand swell in size? Swallow a couple capsules of Yunnan Paiyao 2 - 3 times daily and the swelling will resolve in a day or so.
Before surgery, swallow the tiny red pill that is provided with the Yunnan Paiyao capsules or powder. It will not interfere with surgery drugs or painkillers. Yunnan Paiyao is not habit-forming. You can read about it in the chapter devoted to Yunnan Paiyao in Asian Health Secrets: The Complete Guide to Asian Herbal Medicine. I have recommended Yunnan Paiyao for clients and friends who have avoided disfiguring scars and deep wounds because it speeds healing. You can even take it on a regular basis with a sip of wine to treat chronic gastritis and improve general circulation.
It is best to avoid eating salads and fish when taking Yunnan Paiyao. It is ok to separate them by a couple of hours. Cold foods require strong digestion. If Yunnan Paiyao upsets your stomach or makes you dizzy, have it with some warm soup.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Sunday, April 22, 2007
(22/4/07-Sunday-Exactly 1 month after surgery)
A)Actions that were not so easy to do
B) Food that are not to be eaten.
A) Actions that were not so easy to do :
There were a few actions that have been taken for granted because when things are normal it was so automatic but after going thru surgery , the 1st two weeks , its not easy to do , for example :
1. Standing straight up and the action of bending to the left and right .
2. Stretching to take something reacheble but above the head.
3. Getting up from bed while lying on the left side .
4. Sitting down on a chair comfortably.
5. Bending to pick up something
These are some of the exmpleswhich i can now do all these easier already .
B) Food that are not to be eaten.
Some Chinese rely on traditional chinese medicinal teachings dated 2000-4000 years which suggests that after an operation , certain food are not to be taken so that healing can be better .I followed this and missed very much some of this food .
2.Pork soup
4.Beans including soya bean and bean sprouts ( taugeh)
Yesterday , 21/4/07 , Saturday , since my wound is dry already , was the day I can start eating anything . The opening ceremony was a lunch of Sarawak Laksa which has prawns .Today for lunch , ate some eggs with noodles . Looking forward to the buffet spread next week during my father's birthday !!
Friday, April 20, 2007
(20/4/07-Friday-Finally its dry ! )
Today the nurse said that its dry already . In fact there is no need to put anymore gauze and iodine on it anymore .
I told the nurse if I don't put the gauze , there is some pain when i wear the seat belt coz the gauze being thick protects and cushions . The nurse said Ok , she will put the gauze but I have to take out myself on Monday because actually no need to put gauze anymore .
She then covered it with a water proof transparent plaster and said that i can finally bath and sweat !
Thursday, April 19, 2007
(19/4/07-Thursday-Back to normal walking speed)

Its been about 28 days after my op . I notice this pass 2 to 3 days that my walking speed is back to normal already . Its no more slow and slow motion .
The working position is still not normal . I'm not walking with the correct posture upright yet but walking with a slight bend forward coz of the little pain .
( See the "Poor Posture" guy on the left , my walking posture is something like that)
Will try to correct it these few days .
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
(18/4/07-Wednesday-Dressing at hospital)
The nurse said there were two very tiny spots that had some liquid and moistness . So , again she filled the gauze with iodine and covered all the wound and followed by a big plaster .
This Friday will look again if all ok , if yes , there won't be any plaster on me anymore !! And... I can then bath already !!!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Stretching and weights

Yesterday , started some very simple stretching and weights .
Stretching :
Just 2 simple stretch :
1. Stretch the hamstring
2. Stretch the thigh
Also simple exercise without using any stomach muscles , coz its dumbells
1. Wrist muscles
2. The biceps
3. The deltoids
Look at the picture above if you not sure which muscle I'm refering to.
Monday, April 16, 2007
(16/4/07-Monday-2nd stitching taken out)
There was one small area in which the skin area is a bit raw and reddish . This therefore resulted in the nurse pouring iodine into the gauze for the whole wound ,placing the gauze there and plastering the whole area .
This Wednesday , I have to go back to hospital to clean that small wound . Now , I can see a bit of the iodine through the big huge plaster that I'm wearing .
If I show it to anybody , they may think I'm still bleeding !!
Friday, April 13, 2007
Sleepless and lots of sleep
The dog was barking and the bird was making a funny sound .I didn't feel sleepy at all . Don't know why . Face was itchy a bit from mosquito bite so did some scratching . After that decided to wake up and it was 730 am already .
By 830 am , I felt sleepy again and I slept till guess what time , 1230 noon !!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Painkiller not needed anymore
Actually looking back , I could have stopped earlier but it sort of got "addictive" .
I was "addicted" to the feeling where at 10 pm I take the 2 painkillers and then by 12 midnight felt very relaxed and sleepy . So, I was "addicted" to that feeling but after awhile it sort of didn't work anymore coz for about 4 consequtive days , even though I took the painkiller , I didn't go into that relaxed mode . Anyway ,to much painkiller is no good for the body .
There is still some pain , but it is manageble . I'm sure there will still be some pain since its a major op .
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Now , I have got a few sneezes already . It doesn't matter . I'm not at the vulnerable period .There is not much pain after sneezing although I try to avoid sneezing by controlling .If it can't be controlled , I have a subdued sneeze , which is quite automatic .Its not a loud sneeze like normal and I'm Ok with it .
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Feeling like a retiree !
Here's my typical day :
Morning :Wake up , read Bible and pray ,breakfast while watching TV from BBC , comedies called My Hero and My Family , blog a bit ,watch Tv again .
Afternoon : Lunch , watch TV ,read magazine, sleep a bit if sleepy , wake up have tea , watch TV
Evening : Dinner, TV again and then sleep .
With this easy resting life , I guarantee there won't be any high blood pressure !! :)
Monday, April 09, 2007
Back to original weight
After starting to run again , it went to around 70-74 kg .
Last year before S'pore Marathon , it was about 71 kg .
Funny thing is this year , before KLIM ,it was around 74 kg even with much more trainning .
After operation:
About 68 kg ,A sudden loss of about 5 kg !!
This is the weight i'm looking for , the irony is that it takes an operation for me to come down to this weight !!
Friday, April 06, 2007
(6/4/07-Friday-2 weeks after the operation , 3 recovery gauges)
I thought back some gauges and here are 3 :
Lung exercise gadget
The doc asked me to buy this lung exercise gadget which has 3 balls . At hospital I was suppose to breath in hard , the 3 balls suppose to go up . The doctor said this gadget is good coz when we just have operation , we tend not to breath properly because of the pain .
So , at hospital I breath in and only 2 balls when up . Now 3 balls can go up already .
Getting up from bed
At hospital , it was quite a strain to get up from bed because of the pain , it was using a lot of stomach muscles and hand muscles to get up from bed . It took a long time to get up from bed .
Now , I can get up from bed faster than when I was at the hospital , although its still a bit of strain but not like when at hospital .
The voice
I can hardly talk loudly without feeling any pain 2 weeks ago . My voice sounded weak . Now , its stronger already , people didn't have to keep asking me to repeat what I was saying .
So , looking at this , this is some gauge that I analyse back and looking at the improvement .
Thank you Jesus !!
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Sitting in a car
Since March 20 , I have not driven the car .My wife was the one who has been driving me .Even after operation , to be driven around is not easy because the belt is around the stomach area , and each time there is a bump , I need to hold on to the belt so that there is no pressure on the stomach .
Sitting at the back seat is worst coz its bumpier at the back and i can feel the bumps even more .
I drove
Yesterday , April 4 , first time driving since March 20 . Since I'mdriving , i couldn't hold on to the belt so much but I'm not so conscious of doing that too coz I'm in control of the speed and the bumps that we go onto . I drove the Kancil yesterday and overall , it was OK although did feel some pressure when turning the car or on some bumps .
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
i found that it takes two hours before the painkiller takes effect .
So this is my daily painkiller taking routine :
10 pm : Pop in 2 painkillers
12 midnite : Start to feel very relaxed and drowsy , the muscles in every part of the body starts to relax
12 midnite to 5 am :Sleep till 5 am soundly , at about 5 am , the painkiller wears of . There is some pain in the stomach , I'm in a 75% sleep mode , so although I can feel a bit of pain , the sleep mode numbs it .
8.45am : Usually around this time , I can feel more of the pain and I wake up . I think the pain is because of the position i'm sleeping , which is straight on my back all the time . I can't really turn to the side to sleep yet coz there will be more pain .
I then , slowly push myself up from the bed without using any of my stomach muscles . When i stand up , the pain will then slowly be gone and i don't need any painkiller till the the night .
During the day , there is very rarely I feel that clothes peg clipping to my stomach feeling anymore . I think the body is slowly healing by itself .
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
(3/4/07-Tuesday-The feeling of a clothes peg on your skin)
After many hours , that feeling is less . Its less today , may be the body got used to it already . May be the skin is in its healing process.
My walking speed is still at a slow motion status . Can't walk fast yet .Can't walk upright properly yet too . There is some pain if I walk fast or walk upright .
It reminds me of being an old man . But , no problem , I can now emphatise with an old man :)
Monday, April 02, 2007
(2/4/07-Monday-Stitch back "hole" , some pain)
At last I'm relieved , the procedure is over .My "hole" is stitched together by some thread .Altogether at least 20 over stitches .
Now is the pain that you get after being stitched together . Just have to tahan , at the same time use pain killer .
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Walking around with "hole" on stomach
I write " hole" coz at the same time there is a big bandage covering it to prevent it from getting any infection or getting bigger .
At the same time , there is a small leak so blood can be seen thru this bandage . Its not a BIG leak , coz than will be vey dangerous and I would have bled to death . Meaning , there will be a BIG leak if the second layer of my skin is open exposing the internal organs . Right now , its just the first layer .
At the same time there is some phobias that I'm imagining like :
1. What if the hole gets bigger ?
2. What if I sneeze hard ?
3. What if I vomit ?
4.What if the 2nd layer opens up ?
5. What if there is more blood than usual on the bandage ?
6. What if the hole is getting bigger but I don't feel it ?
7.What if , what if , what if ???
I look forward to the restitching tmw !
Friday, March 30, 2007
(30/3/07-Friday-Small hole ON stomach ,, , )
I also found out that the same nurse has been in the same job for almost 30 years , since 1978 !! She has seen worst cases including nerves and bones .The fact that the nurse has been experienced for so long put me at ease and know that i'm in experienced hands .
As she cleaned it , she said the stitching might have to be redone by doc coz my wound didn't close properly . I said , Ok, since I'm already here , might as well call my doc to come and see me . She
agreed , called the doc while I waited .
The doc came and agreed that I should redo the stitch using thread .But it will be just local anesthetic and I don't have to be admitted at the hospital .
So back to the hospital next week to close the wound .
Right now , I have a small hole at the stomach wound, there is no pain at the wound but I think its as deep as almost 1 cm.
But there is no blood gushing out , coz the doc saw it and said its clean.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
(29/3/07-Thursday-Stomach held together by staples)
There was just a bit of pain as she took out every pin . It totaled more than 10 over staples all together .
There was still a bit of old blood and based on the nurse advice , I still need to come back again tmw to clean the wound even though the staples has been taken out .
So , after cleaning the wound today the nurse then put on another bandage over the wound and its more thicker now .
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
My room mate at the hospital.....S...I
Amputated left leg
Not sure how it happen or what health factors but he told me his left leg was amputated about 2 weeks ago ! . Now , there were some complications and his right leg is affected . The blood circulation wasn't going well on the right leg and there was some kind of blockage .
Change nerve position
It seems , doc then recommend that immediately he should change the position of the nerve at the top of his right let to the bottom of the leg . ( Later on , 2nd opinion said he should have gone for an ultra sound to look for the blockage first ) .
His operation took 4 hours and then he was then wheeled to my room .and that's how I knew him .
Imagine 2 ops in a month !!
Last year
He had an op last year , also intestinal op ,the only diff was part of his intestine had to be cut out and that op took about 4 hours and he had to stay in hospital for a week .
His future
I asked him , what's next for for him ,and he replied , this infirmities will get him bed ridden for at least 6 months!! . And after that , either he will go back to a desk job as a police or he will just take life easy and just relax first coz he is still getting his pay from the police force .
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Ironies in a hospital
Looking back last week and this week , which is my 2nd day at home , I can actually compare a hospital and a house and the hospital's ironies . You see , people go to hospital to rest , treated and recuperate too . But is it really so ?
Some points where there is not really rest , although its treatment , but no REST :
1. You sleep and suddenly , nurse wakes you up every 2 hours to take your blood pressure and temperature .
2. Outside your room you can here nurses talking
3. Inside your room you can hear relatives of other patients talking .
4. Inside your room you can hear nurses talking to other patients.
5.Inside your room you can hear the sound of all kinds of medical equipent beeping.
6. Nurses comes and clean us up at an unearthly hour of 5.30 am .
All these results in a non-continous sleep .
Not that i'm not grateful to the hospital , but just bringing to you the IRONIES of REST in a hospital .
In fact ,I'm very grateful to the nurses coz they are always so helpful when you need help and most of the time gentle and hoping the best for the patients .
Sunday, March 25, 2007
(25/3/07-Sunday-I'm back home ...recuperating ...no running for 2 months)
Jesus also cared for me this time and when I found out I had to be operated , I didn't have any anxiety or fear , just peace . I was prepared for it .In fact , when I went for my 2nd check up in the U H in the afternoon of Wednesday , I brought along my bag of clothes , toiletries and ready to be put in drips .
Sequence of event
Vomit 8 times before admission to hospital .
12 midnite :Go U.H and they took X-ray, gave injection and tablets and i went home .
1 pm: Receive call from another U.H doc who wants a 2nd relook at me
2.30 pm :Arrive at UH , doc put in tiub thru my nose down to stomach to suck out gas and bile into a bag ( It will be there till after operation) .This really helped caused after that my bloated feeling ( bloated as in just eaten buffet even though drank just a bit)
3.00 pm : Did C.T scan to scan stomach
3.45 pm : Doc put cathether thru penis and so urine will go thru another bag automatically
4.00 pm to 11 pm: Wait at waiting area for my op , ( during this time I wasn't even sure the time
of my op and was waiting eargerly)
11pm : Wheeled into op preparation room
Midnite : Op starts , before the op , anesthician gives my Nebuliser for my asthma (a kind of oxigen mask which I have to breath thru for about 10 to 15 mins) . I said I.didn't feel asthmatic but she said I have to use it just in case it happens during op .
After that , I was given the general anesthistic , it starts with an oxigen mask over my , which I'm still conscious ,suddenly I'm unconscious as they put the anesthesia . Before that , anesthician did asked me what I want to be called , I said Kenny.
1am: After Op Anesthician calls me " Kenny ,Kenny, wake up " or something like that( calls me at least 5 times)
I thought I was dreaming , but went I woke ,immediately can feel the after effects and pain of the op , and I'm still at operating teather . So I wake up I find its not a dream and they wheel me to my room shared with 3 others.
1am to 4 am : Can't sleep well coz of the pain , there was two kind of pain ,1 post op pain , 2 unusual pain where can feel1 side if the intestine acting by itself .I kept asking nurse for pain killer but they said no .( Later on I found out I have actually been given )
5 am : Can sleep better but noice from outside distruption
12pm : Can't drink anything and feeling hungry and thirsty , feeling bored .Justin comes on time .
Evening : Some relatives and friends comes and Adam and Khoo and Yaziz
Doc says can sip water , thats a relief .
Raymond Hee also comes , he is just on duty a few floors away !
Evening : Ron , Rac and Tey comes and some more friends and relatives.
Doc says can drink anything , even better relief
Noon : Abu and Saiful comes
Eve : Chen and Wai Fong comes
Sun : Doc says can eat anything and discharge, so here I am at home !
Will have some more stories soon !
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Mon , Tues Wed , no run , sakit!!
Wed recovering , still some pain in stomach . Stomach feel bloated like just finish eating buffet . But , haven't eaten for a day !
Whole day sleep on Tues .
Monday, March 19, 2007
Sunday, March 18, 2007
(18/3/07-Sunday-No sleep before KLIM Marathon and race report)
Went to Petronas Philharmonic Ochestra at KLCC . Free tickets were given out to watch this Irish guy perfom on organ .
My parking ticket for 2 1/2 hours was only RM 1! coz parked at K-Avenue and walked across to KLCC via the tunnel .
Had tea at 3 pm at Cold Storage , (modesto pizza ) and at 4.30 pm ( Masala Thosai and and some goreng pisang stuffs)
Evening :Suddenly bro called and we were off for a steamboat buffet at Sunway ( RM21) per head .
Accidentally took tea
At the dinner , tea was served and I acidentally drank it , I was not suppose to drink tea at nite or won't be able to sleep . It was after dinner that my wife remembered I shouldn't drink tea at nite . Too late . Drank already .
By the time I got home : 11.30 pm
Can't sleep
I put my alarm for 3.20 am . Got to bed at 12 midnite but was tossing and turning . Woke up briefly to see the time and it showed 1.48 am but still no real sleep . Got up again 2.45 am , still no sleep . After a short semi sleep , the alarm rang at 3.20 am and time to wake up ! In theory , I didn't have a real sleep all nite , just a rest on the bed !!
The starting
After having my breakfast of 2 slices bread and peanut butter , 12 pieces dates and warm glucose . Drove to Padang Merbuk , not many cars there. Then jogged to starting point . Did my stretching before going into kandang .
The plan was to get approx 53 min per 10 km .
There was no atmosphere like S'pore Marathon but i was glad I'm running here this time , if I remembered correctly , last year I was in the half marathon and was seeing the Matathoners took off . There was this traditional drum beat at the start and i was hoping next time I could be among this runners of the marathon . At last , my first marathon in KL , 1st marathon was actually in S'pore , so this is my second official marathon .
After running about 4 km , Saiful came to my side from the back and said he wants to pace with me . I said OK, we will try sub -4 coz in S'pore he was just behind me by 1 min .
Knee pain 15 km mark
After running 15 km , I told him to go ahead coz I'm getting some medicine at the refreshment counter . He went ahead while I put some deep heat at the knee . After awhile it got better , I ran alone and overtook Lee Chin and Girl .
Saw Saiful again
Saw Saiful again at about the 23 km mark and he told me he was going slower .But again as I ran , the knee hurt again and at some stations I asked for deep heat rub by myself . Saiful then went ahead .
Saw Girl
Approaching the last 30 km , I saw Girl which I overtook earlier , I told her she is doing well . She said she wants to overtake the girl in front which I think is 1 km away coz I didn't see her anymore .She said may be she can't overtake I told Girl she can do it . Never say never and got her to pace with me . The pacing was fast and the 3rd 10 km time approaching 30 km was about 49 min ! I saw Saiful again at the water station before 30 km and had a drink and Girl then continued and overtake us all . I paced with Saiful again but my legs were tired and he disappeared again .
Hit the wall
The last 10 km was a struggle , every step hurt especially at the thigh area . It was further aggravated by the knee pain in which by now I can't lift the knee a certain angle or it will hurt . My running technic changed because of this , to cushion the impact on the knee . I just couldn't wait for the run to end and kept thinking when can i get to finish line The marker showed 9 more km to go and I was suffering all the way .
The last 5 km also felt long and I couldn't wait for the finish , Leg hurting . With another 2 km to go I was in a semi jog state and was grateful for the downhill to Dataran Merdeka . As i ran , there was pain and the knee also felt bad if I accidentally changed my running stance . As I was near the finishing line , there was no fast finish and it fact 2 people ran past me . In the end ,I'm glad its finished , finished with a slow jog to the finishing line at 3: 56:51 ,a P .R for me .
I was happy to break my P.R which in S'pore was 4 min 9 . Sad that I didn't achive my target of 3:45 coz of the pain at the knee and thigh . Next time will have to do more 30 km runs .
Distance :42.195 km
Duration of work out : 3 hour 56 min 51 sec
Location :KL
# of times used Asthmatic inhaler and remarks : 1 times used inhaler used before race , breathing OK
Friday, March 16, 2007
(15/3/07-Thursday-Ran with Ronnie a bit fast )
With another 600 m till the end of my 2nd round , I told Ron the fast run (actually it was just about 4 min 55 sec per km pace) is enough for me today and I slowed down while he continued at the same fast pace .
Distance :4.6 km
Duration of work out : Approx 25 min
Location :Lake Garden
# of times used Asthmatic inhaler and remarks : 0 times used inhaler , breathing (*see story) .
(14/3/07-Wednesday-Easy run with Justin , later on carboloaded)
1st lap about 13 min
2nd lap about 12 min
Ronnie was there but he was on his fast mode . We only started together with Ron ,after few meters he was gone but within our sight .
Later in the nite , I went with some friends to Italiannies in 1 Utama , where every Wednesday , for RM19.90 , you can have all the pasta you want . I only had 2 plates . It was quite feeling .
Distance :4.6 km
Duration of work out : Approx 26 min
Location :Lake Garden
# of times used Asthmatic inhaler and remarks : 0 times used inhaler , breathing ok .
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
(13/3/07-Tuesday-Just a slow jog)
Distance :Approx 5 km
Duration of work out : Approx 45 min
Location :Tmn Desa
# of times used Asthmatic inhaler and remarks : 0 times used inhaler , breathing not that easy at first , after that was ok .
Monday, March 12, 2007
Sunday, March 11, 2007
(11/3/07-Sunday-Run Smart Tunnel race and catch up from behind)
Dinner consisting Lui Cha Fan or in English , Green Tea Rice .
Slept at 12 midnite . Woke up by dog incessant barking 1.30 am , not once but 4 times within a space of 40 min , by the time really sleep again is 2.10 am .
Woked up by dog again at 3.30 pm , total times dog woke me up , 5 times .
Woked up by alarm at 6.30 am . Breakfast glucose and dates .
Arrival at race location at 7.15 am
Immediately went to the starting point but people were all lining up and I can't find officials for me to give my reporting card . I asked around and people tell me they are at the front , which means I have got to go thru the men's group ( A group ) via the back to the front !! In order not to make people angry , I told them I'm going front to give my reporting card, so they make way for me .
There was no space to stretch and I used the min space I have to stretch my hamstring and thigh .
Race starts
I can see Lai already line up in front , I'm at the 7th row and Gunaseelan is next to me . As the gun shoots , he disappears , my 7th row becomes quite far back as everyone starting fast and we are stucked and I can't run fast . After 100 m only can get into the stride and I pace with Vincent for awhile . In fact Zul , pacemaker 43 and Eric Teo was already in front of me by 50 m .
The tunnel begins
At the beginning of the tunnel , Vincent runs faster and I can't follow him . In fact , before race yesterday , i already told Ronnie that I will start slow and not fast and use experience to slowly overtake . I can't see the rest of the PMs and was thinking I'm i going to be in last group of Pms this time ??
At the tunnel , 1st 2 km I overtake Zul and also Eric Teo .Towards the last 2 km of the tunnel , i suddenly see Lai, Saiful and I think its Ronnie , but they are like 150 m away . I maintained consistent pace and slowly overtook Saiful then Lai .
Coming out from tunnel
I see Ronnie in front of Chen , they are still 100 m away . We make a u-turn to go into tunnel again . At the u -turn , I can see I have behind me Lai , Saiful and Shine .
Inhaler before entering tunnel again
I took out inhaler from back pocket ( carefully as the cap might easily come out and i wouldn't stop to pick it up) and took a sniff . 2 people overtake me at this point . I held on to inhaler to save time but decided to put it back into back pocket . I couldn't . I tried again and this time I could . Now i can run "handsfree" . Slowly i overtook the 2 again .
Pain at knee
During the 2nd phase of the race in the tunnel heading towards finish , i could feel occasional pain at the right knee . I kicked the leg a bit and it was back to normal .It happen a number of times and i endured with it . It effected some nerves at the back and as i ran , there was some pain at the back nerves . After awhile it was back to normal.
Consistent pace
I maintained consistent pace , looking beyond Chen who looked like slowing down but I can't overtake him yet , Ronnie on the other hand looked liked he increased the pace as his gap from Chen further and further . I have to run faster if I want to catch up with Ron . Towards the last 2 km of the tunnel , i overtook Chen . Now , time to catch Ron . At this time i overtook Badrul and also overtook Vincent at last . Ron still 100 m away.
Mad dash to the finish .
Slowed down a bit when coming to the end of the tunnel coz its going uphill . Ron still 100 m away , I'm still chasing like mad and on my 7th gear . Last 800 m to go and at this point while chasing Ron , overtook another 3 other people from my A group . I'm like 50 m from Ron , I on my turbo near the finishing line and Ron suddenly turn back could see I'm coming after him and he is like 20 m in front of me but in the end i couldn't overtoook him . Ron 36th , me 37th place .
Overall , i'm happy with my performance coz i didn't started to fast , had a consistent pace averaging 4 min 30 sec per km pace throughtout except for the last faster 2 km .In the end , happy to come from behind and overtake some friends .
Distance :13.3 km
Duration of work out : 59 min 42 sec
Location :Jalan Tun Razak
# of times used Asthmatic inhaler and remarks : 2 times used inhaler , before race and during race as per story .