One part of Korat in North Eastern Thailand . We flew to Bangkok by Lufthan
sa and then took another 3 hr journey by coach to Korat.

I was there cheering for Malaysia !!We cheer following the cheer leader's tune and drum beats .

We took pictures with Thai children .

We stayed in this 3 star hotel , Hermitage Resort and Spa . Everything has been paid for by Samsung !!

Our cheer leader with pretty Thai girl selling blow horn.

We cheer for Malaysia with all our heart .

Our Malaysian Ping Pong player after the semi final where she won her Thai counterpart . Her coach begged us to come support her again in the afternoon for her Final against Singapore's Wang Yeu Gu ,World No 10 ( Actually imported from China). Unfortunately ,we had other obligations and had to go to other venues to support other athletes . We really wanted to support her but our leader said no .Anyway , Sock Khim lost in the final as th e Singaporean was too strong for her and she got a silver . I am left pondering , would she had won gold if we had been there to support her ??

Whenever we go to any stadium , we will be marching in with a song (Barisan Kita) and with some drums noise .

The Basketball ladies after they won the Final against Thailand . The NSC have announced that the Ladies basketball team was the overall best team in the Malaysian contingent of the SEA Games . I totally agree , I was there . It was a very close fight with Thailand leading by a few points most of the time . But ,our girls really fought for every ball till the last minute where they won Thailand by just 1 point for 61-60 !! It really silenced the Thai cheering supporters and we get to sing Negaraku with all our heart during the prize presentation .

Sporting Thai girl supporters.

We had a bit of time at The Mall , Korat

TV3 crew followed us in our coach and plane and all this will be aired in one of the sports proagramme .
Gorgeous pics brother.
Have a blessed Christmas season & a happy & peaceful 2008!
Same to you . God bless you !!
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