Me towards the last 1.5 km .
Order of event :
5.25am: Wake up and get ready including SHIT
6.00 am : After breakfast , had to SHIT again !!
6.10 am : Leave hse for KJ stadium
6.23 am : Main turning into stadium closed so used another road .
6.25 am : Found a parking spot amidst the full house for my little car .
6.28 am : Ran to starting line side and shake hands very briefly with Ron , Chen and Lai .
6.30 am : Race starts but after 1 min only remembered to start stopwatch .
At a normal pace until 9 km mark and saw CM ,paced with him till 16km mark at the U-turn at Terminal 3 .
CM ran off and I slowed down .
At last 1.5 km mark , Tey was there to take photos ,(see photo on top ) . He gave me some encouragement too and I quickened my pacing .
Slowly overtook 4 people and suddenly at last approx 1 km , key flew out from my shoe .I had to stop , get my key and tighten my shoe lace . At the same time , the 4 guys overtook me again .
My momentuum gone . But regained to overtooke 2 people in which I overtook 2nd person a few meteres from the finishing line .
Overall timing : 1:53: 05
Conclusion :i'm happy with my timing coz it was better than Ipoh wch was 1:57.
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