Monday, April 16, 2007

(16/4/07-Monday-2nd stitching taken out)

After being restitched 2 weeks ago , the stitched consisting of about 22 stitches has been taken out today . It was a long wait at the hospital , U H . I arrived at 1120 am , waited , went for lunch and at last about 1 + , the stitches were taken out . Every part of the wound is dry . No pus .

There was one small area in which the skin area is a bit raw and reddish . This therefore resulted in the nurse pouring iodine into the gauze for the whole wound ,placing the gauze there and plastering the whole area .

This Wednesday , I have to go back to hospital to clean that small wound . Now , I can see a bit of the iodine through the big huge plaster that I'm wearing .

If I show it to anybody , they may think I'm still bleeding !!

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