Sunday, April 22, 2007

(22/4/07-Sunday-Exactly 1 month after surgery)

Today is exactly 1 month after my surgery . Looking back there are some things which I couldn't do 2 to 3 weeks ago but now can and its divided into 2 categories .

A)Actions that were not so easy to do
B) Food that are not to be eaten.

A) Actions that were not so easy to do :

There were a few actions that have been taken for granted because when things are normal it was so automatic but after going thru surgery , the 1st two weeks , its not easy to do , for example :

1. Standing straight up and the action of bending to the left and right .
2. Stretching to take something reacheble but above the head.
3. Getting up from bed while lying on the left side .
4. Sitting down on a chair comfortably.
5. Bending to pick up something

These are some of the exmpleswhich i can now do all these easier already .

B) Food that are not to be eaten.

Some Chinese rely on traditional chinese medicinal teachings dated 2000-4000 years which suggests that after an operation , certain food are not to be taken so that healing can be better .I followed this and missed very much some of this food .

2.Pork soup
4.Beans including soya bean and bean sprouts ( taugeh)

Yesterday , 21/4/07 , Saturday , since my wound is dry already , was the day I can start eating anything . The opening ceremony was a lunch of Sarawak Laksa which has prawns .Today for lunch , ate some eggs with noodles . Looking forward to the buffet spread next week during my father's birthday !!


SaifulAzri said...

at last u can eat anything lar..btw as im remember u ate lot of sea food be4 yr KLIM..hehe

Kenny said...

I'm happy to eat anything . Wah , you still can remember what I ate !!