Friday, April 27, 2007

(27/4/07-Friday-A walk in the park)

This morning went for my first workout . There were a lot of people already walking in the park near my house at about 7 .30 am . Most were walking and only 2 were running . I was one of the walkers .

It felt great to do some exercise again . My pace was at a normal average pace , not too slow or too fast . In fact some faster walkers did overtake me .

Each round was about 400 m and I went for about 5 rounds equivalent to about 2 km . It wasn't really a flat route coz it was hilly on 1 side and flat the other side . Nevertheless , happy to start some exercise and sweat again .


Abu Soffian said...

Kenny...slow n steady. I'll be waiting 4...KENNY RETURN

Kenny said...

Abu , yes TQ ,I'm also waiting !